Page 6 - Worried about someone's drug use? - DEN + ALDAF 2019
P. 6

Looking after yourself while   Help and Info
 supporting them  Below are suggestions for places that can help the

     person you are worried about, as well as yourself and
 The most important thing  to remember is  that   other family and friends affected.
 people  cannot change unless  they wish  to. The
 person using alcohol or other drugs is responsible for   •  Parents, Elders and trusted friends
 their own choices.
      •  GPs and Pharmacists
 Your key responsibility is to look after   •  Local Alcohol and Other Drug Services
 yourself, and keep yourself safe.                             Worried?
         or  look under A in the phone book
 You don’t have  to do things that you are   •  Other helping services like Youth, Mental
 uncomfortable with, or take risks, to help someone.      Health or Disability services
 Setting and keeping boundaries is not only helpful to   •  Lifeline Australia        13 11 14
 you, it is helpful to the person you are worried about.
      •  Kid’s Helpline                  1800 55 1800
 If you are affected by, or witness violence, remove   •  Poisons Information Centre   13 11 26
 yourself from the situation and seek help from the    •  National sexual assault, domestic
 police, a domestic violence service or another help      and family violence helpline     1800 RESPECT
 service.    •  Family Drug support a 24/7 service
 Violence is never OK.               or   1300 368 186

 It is more than OK to seek support for yourself, and   •  Worried about someone’s
 many services can help you and your family deal   • - youth website  alcohol and other drug use?
 with this difficult issue.  •  Medicines Line        1300 MEDICINE

      •  Get the effects by txt!         0439 TELL ME
         Simply text the name of the drug you want to know about  Alcohol or drug use by  someone that
                                                                you care about can be confusing
           Check out more brochures in this series.
                                                                and stressful, but you are not  alone.

                                                                On average, 5 people are affected by 1
                                                                person’s dependency on alcohol or other
                                                                drugs. 1
            The most
        important thing                                         This pamphlet aims  to provide you with
 to remember is    These plus more are available at    information and tips to help you deal with
 that people cannot                                             this difficult life situation.
 change unless they   000  In an emergency call 000
  wish to.

                       A resource of
                                                     A resource of
     References: Visit to find a comprehensive list of references for this resource
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