Page 4 - Worried about someone's drug use? - DEN + ALDAF 2019
P. 4

How do I know if someone is   How do I ask about someone’s
 using alcohol or other drugs?   drug use?

 You may notice things that could indicate drug use,   •  Pick a time and place where everyone
 such as:     feels comfortable, safe, and calm.
 •  Mood swings or personality changes,   •  Try to be respectful – express your concern,
 •  Changes in sleeping patterns,      but try not to judge or accuse.
 •  Changes in spending habits,  •  Ask the person if they are OK, if they are
 •  Increased risk taking,      worried or stressed about something or            Offering help
 •  Finding substances or items that could       having trouble coping. This might let them    You can offer to help them
    be used to take drugs and;     open up if they’re worried about their own    find services, make appointments,
 •  Behaviour changes that don’t seem normal         drug use.       or go to the appointments with them.
       and are worrying to you.
      •  If you’ve noticed something that worries                              See the back page for suggested
 These  could  also indicate  problems other  than  drug      you, let them know gently:
                                                                         places for help and support.
 use, such as mental or physical health issues, so often
 the best way is to ask them directly.               ‘I’m worried about…’, ‘I noticed…’

 They may choose not to answer, but you can let them
 know that you care about them and that you want
 them to be healthy and happy.  What is my role? What can I do?

 It is also important to respect that person’s privacy            What should I expect?
 and not look through their things without   Get informed
 permission.  Knowing more about the issue can help you assess the  Every situation is different. Some people will want to
   situation and feel more prepared. Speaking to a local  change their behaviour, and others will not be ready
   alcohol and other drug (AOD) service, or speaking to  yet or won’t want to stop or reduce at all.
   your GP, are great places to start.  See the back of the
   brochure for suggested places for help and support.    Some people use drugs and alcohol recreationally,
                                                          and take steps to keep safe. Some people may
 How   Offer support                                      become dependent on the drug they’re using, and
   Sometimes, the best support you
 do I stop   can offer is simply to listen, and           need extra help to recover.

 them from using   be present. It is important to only    Withdrawal and recovery  from  AOD dependence
                                                          is  complicated with many people experiencing
   offer support that you are willing
 drugs?  to give, and only if you can do                  relapse. Ensure you have the necessary backing
   it while taking care of your own                       and energy to continue support. If you don’t, that’s
 Trying to force someone to change   wellbeing.           OK. Find a safe referral option.
 their behaviour or stop using drugs is                   Treatment services will be able to provide support for
 often counterproductive. Offering   Help them get help   you and your family, and can answer questions you
 support can help them   Ask your person if they have asked for help before, and   may have about drugs, withdrawal, and recovery.
 take the right   if they’re willing to try accessing help. They might not
   know where to begin – that’s OK!
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